Diary of Puss Puss aka Izzy Kitty

Saturday, February 21, 2004

well here I am, mum had to take that plastic thing off me head do you know they shaved my left side! I'm bald. I'm so not impressed but I don't care so much as long as I don't have to have that things on my head. Everyone who saw me kept going awwwwwwwwwww but I didn't want their pity, I wanted to bite their asses but I couldn't coz i couldn't reach!

Still it's good to be back, ask mum, her arms are shot to shit again.


Monday, February 09, 2004

FUCKIN HELL!!! my head hurts and I'm seeing double. If I spell wrong in this post it's because I've got this plastic thing round my head. I can't see my feet! Mind you at the moment it makes me dizzy to look down so I'm not really worried!

on that note....

Monday, February 02, 2004

SO not been on here in a while. Mum was a meanie and got the vet to cut my claws so I couldn't make it up on to the chair by this thing.

So yeh i've had all my injections so I'm free of that evil 'vet' thing. Dad keeps joking i'm going somewhere to 'get my womb ripped out' I have no clue what he's talking about though coz he talks bollox most of the time anyway. I did hear mum say she was going to be off next monday but if she goes anywhere near that basket thing then I'm gonna hide.

So since that trip I've not been out. I'm not allowed mum says but I reckon it'd be fun. There are these flying things in the garden and I dunno why but I reckon they'd be tasty so i climbed up on top of the toilet and sat on the window sill of the open window. I was gonna jump honest. I felt a bit afraid because I don't think I could reach the ground but mum came and took me off and closed the window so I couldnt get out.

Xmas was odd went to grandad and grandmas house where mum grew up. It was very weird, they don't have soft stuff on the floor by my litter tray and stuff and it was cold on my paws. They did have some excellent hiding places and these things called stairs! Mum and uncle andy went to the pub and left me with them which was fun because they gave me loads of treats and let me play with the presents under the tree.

Was glad to get home tho, cept when mum and dad had one of those party things when people invade my room and make noise and mess and drink this smelly stuff called beer. I wasn't impressed so I hid behind the curtain. Still I got lots of treats to make me feel better afterwards... and I peed on the bed when dozy dad left the bedroom door open. I told them I will not be dictated to.

The cat has the power they should know this! oop best go mums coming..