Diary of Puss Puss aka Izzy Kitty

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

new beginnings


My plan has worked and I've managed to take control of this machine again. The cat here. It's been a while since my last musing. They put these things on the machine called "users" with "passwords" and didn't make one for me. it's taken me forever to hack mums.

Mum and dad made us move house to a smaller place which i'm not much impressed by as i don't even have my own room. The bonus is though that they gave in and let me in to the bedroom now to sleep on the bed ha ha ha! Mum said it's unfair because the flat is so much smaller and dad didn't have the voice to argue. Hahahahaha small victory but a noteworthy one!
I'm 4 now and a lot has happened since the last posts. They've not taken me back to that "vet" place for a long visit again. I go once a year but I make sure mum and dad have the scars to prove how unimpressed I am about this idea.

I do like this flat better though. It's closer to those flying things in the garden that look pretty tasty and much nearer the ground which means I can see the mice clearer too. I can't quite work out how to open the windows fully. They're pretty big and they're something called Sash windows? I don't know what that is but they give me a great vantage point to spy on the humans coming in and out of the house. I'm planning on making an escape bid at some point by propping the window open just enough so I can squeeze out.
They have lots of other cats round these parts. I don't like them messing up my territory, they're unworthy peasants and I will take them on one by one when I can.

Mums been giving me Iams. Apparently it's gourmet food for cats but to be honest it's more like bits of dust and dry wood shaped in to shapes. it makes me thirsty man, i've never drunk this much in my life! I'm most aggrieved because I miss my tuna and chicken! I don't see what on earth was wrong with pouches. Dad says it makes my poo odourless but I say personally they should practise what they preach. These humans stink, especially these two. They're psecatarian... they eat fish and veg. Yeh great combo for non smelly poo that one!