Diary of Puss Puss aka Izzy Kitty

Thursday, October 16, 2003

The cat here... finally found five minutes to get on this machine and write more.

things are settling in nicely here, the humans love having me and I'm making them really happy by scratching their sofa to bits. Mum's got this spray she put on it which is minging... I don't like it but I'll be fucked if i let it beat me. I can't go near it it's too vile so I'm not best pleased. I refuse to be forced in to using that bloody post with rope on.

i'm an individual! I'll wait till it wears off a bit

Anyhow i get my revenge in small ways... like walking on mum with my claws sticking out... she loves that especially when she's got hot 'tea' in her hand. I like tea i found some of dad's the other day and decided it was quite palatable... makes me krazy tho...!

I am really curious about the space my humans disappear in to leaving me alone all day... I wonder what's out there. Looks like a corridor but i can't really get a good look.

Dads a big meanie.. he always makes me get down off the sofa when he's eating his food. I don't see why I only want to LOOK at it... honest. Mum always gives me some kitty treats tho if i do stay down so I'm not on to a bad thing I don't think just sometimes i just have to have a look, it smells too weird... nothing at all like my taste cod and plaice in jelly with crunchy bits.

Phase 2 of the fish plan started last night. I discovered that there is another side to the fish tank... round the back. I can get down there. dad wasn't pleased and hauled me out by my tail. If I can distract the humans long enough I think I can find a way to get those damn fish out. I was being cool trying to do that last night and totally lost my footing and fell off the table... I don 't think anyone noticed because I shot under the sofa and then looked like I came in through the door really casually... no worries.

Best go...


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