Diary of Puss Puss aka Izzy Kitty

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Hello, my name is Izzy and I'm a red smoke persian cat aged 3 months.

I've recently been given a new home by my auntie H because she already has a cat. I was a bit dubious really bout that whole thing to be honest.. I may look small but I'm no ones fool.

I mean the way I look at it I was quite comfy in auntie H's, her bedroom's wicked for playing in and aside from that pain in the arse cat Little Man who used to pick on me I was pretty happy there. auntie H never scrimped on hugs.

uncle Snarlie was gonna buy me a diamond collar... reckon I'da been quids in there if my new human hadn't come to take me away. I wasn't impressed and tried to hide... what can I say diamonds are a girls best friend.

Anyway... now i'm in this new place... it's actually ok, bigger than the last one and a whole room for me to climb on things in... they have this fish thing too in the corner... I'm too little at the moment and my humans think it's comical to watch me watching them with my paws against the glass but I've got the blue prints sorted for a super machine to get those bastards out.

Gotta sleep now... my mum and Dad are coming back from Tesco...hopefully with loads of food for me... i forgot to tell them I eat for britain. If they found out I could type i'd be locked out of the lounge while they went out and that'd suck!


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