Diary of Puss Puss aka Izzy Kitty

Friday, October 10, 2003

well it's been a while since my last update. My humans have been around too much! Monday i was still pissed coz they put me in the cold. My dad was poorly and my mum spent the day trying to suck up to me by playing with me and giving me lots of cuddles. That's fine but she plays to my tune, you know whaddamsayin?

poor sucker.

Anyhow today I've been climbing on things a lot more and making sure the poo in my tray is big and smelly. They never cotton on that it's me farting either... they just waft their stupid hands alot and say "pooooh" and blame each other for having something called 'bad bowels'

strange thse humans are. I decided to try them out tonight when they were sitting on the sofa just about the fall asleep i figured my mum needed waking up so i pounced on her hair. I've never seen anyone leap so high. Even Little Man didn't jump that high. heheheheh revenge was even sweeter when I peed on he jobs echo dad was loking through. Mum keeps saying it's because I'm only ickle and could've mistaken it for my litter.... i think thats bollox, i did it on purpoise but I'm not gonna tell her that.

Things pretty much carried on that way. They put something round me neck the other day.... i wasn't much impressed but I suppose I'll keep it on to keep them happy. Dad said it's a 'collar' dunno what that is, I'm a cat but still it jingles all the time...i think they're trying to keep track of me. Little do they know I'm gonna stuff the bell with cotton wool and take it off when they least expect it... i will not be beaten i tell you.

The room I'm in is way mine now, I have my own den in it and mum doesn't seem to mind the fact i climb the curtains in there... it's not like they're sewn at the bottom anyway.... she's too cheap to have that done i think, still it means I have fun and that thing they hang the washing on.... that's fantastic for climbing on... i pull their washing on to the floor at the same time but I have to say that's not my number one objective here.

Auntie Julia and uncle Jon came round last night and played with me for hours... that was fun. i was knackered an aunite julia kept taking 'pictures'. i'm not sure what pictures are but i hope they don't try anything stupid. i'd hate to have to wreck their fave coat.

uh best go... dads comin...


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