Diary of Puss Puss aka Izzy Kitty

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Damn Cat!

Finally, i'm a bit sporadic in my posting efforts but I'm a cat, I'll arouse suspicion if I'm constantly on the computer. They'll bloody try and send me off to the circus if they figure out i can type!

So what's been going on since I last wrote. Well I've been stamping my ideas on this crazy household. Mum and Dad had a gathering the other weekend of Dad's band. I didn't mind that so much, uncle Dave came over with Auntie Caiti and I still have designs on revenge on uncle dave fro tying that damn mouse round my tail that time, Still auntie Kate and Uncle kris came too. That I didn't mind, more people to play with n all but I DID mind that they took my den down! What's with that? Did I come in and take their den down? No I bloody didn't!

So I got revenge by peeing on mums side of the bed. It was so funny she'd just got in from work and was knackered and she didn't see me. She chased me for ages round the flat doing something called swearing, it's a good game coz I hid laughing where she couldn't reach me!

Managed to do it again secretly last weekend which mum and dad didn't notice until it'd soaked in! Dad threw me in the spare room but I think they get the idea now. They shouldn't be stepping on MY paws man!

I thought everything was ok but then on wednesday mum didn't go to work and put me in that carry case thingy. I was worried at first. I mean last time that happened I was moving house. I kinda like it here tho. We went to this place called 'the vets' tho. I don't like it. it's smelly and the nurse kept poking me in the ass which is really undignified!

They didn't do much to me though thankfully. I'm not gonna go there again.

or so I thought.

come friday mum was trying to put me back in that damn thing. I didn't wanna go and sulked hehehe i made it difficult for her that for sure. Auntie Ali came to pick us up and Dad came too. They gave me a needle. I'm SO not impressed. Mum wasn't either she kept saying 'cost me a fortune' dunno what that means but I hope it's as painful as the needle!

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Well finally they've gone so I can update. The Cat here.

Been settling in nicely to this pad I have to say. Been giving mum the run around tho.. before I go on I have to say that she's gone back to giving me proper food, mowahahahahahahaha I knew she'd cave. These humans, so gullible.

I've been here a month and a half now which is bout 3 months in cat years i think you'll find. It's not bad. Been driving my humans crazy the last few days tho... what can I say i gotta find out their limit.

Mum says I'm not allowed to scratch the wallpaper and dad says I'm not allowed to stand on the playstation. I don't see why I can't and it's fun to get them leaping round the room chasing me. I just go hide in my den and wait till they have something in their hands like one of those cups of teas of something and do it again. Got caught the other day. Dad cuffed me over the nose when I went to play with a "mouse" I'm sorry I'm a cat, does he not KNOW it's genetic to play with mice?

How am I supposed to know it's for the "computer" eh? I ask you? Someone says mouse I say snack!

Anyway got revenge by sicking on the carpet cept it was mum who found it and I felt a bit bad then coz she wasn't the one who cuffed me.

ah well. Serves as a reminder dunnit?

Dad's been trying to sneak up on me the last week. he says I have a shitty arse and he wants to cut it off. That's not alarming in the least NOT. Thankfully under the guise of happy cat I swing my tail round so he's not been able to cut it off yet. I don't think it's shitty, I looked when I was grooming the other day and it looked fine to me... there was a matted brown bit but it's like a tattoo i say.

Dad says different I think. They keep trying to "groom" me. WTF? Why I do that with my tongue...GOD humans are stupid. So what if my hair is a little matted under the arms... I'm going thru my teenage grunge phase. Kurt Cobain is my Idol...honest.

ooh he's coming back...ciao!